Tuesday 8 October 2019

Year 4 Roman workshop

Last week year 4 students enjoyed a Roman workshop, where they gained first-hand knowledge about life as a Roman soldier. Our visiting Roman was called Felix, and he spoke of the grueling training sessions Roman soldiers endured in order to make them the most successful army of their time. Felix brought with him his Galea (helmet), Gladius (sword) and Scutum (shield) and demonstrated how these items were used in battle. Children also learned about life under the Roman Empire such as the food they ate, what countries they invaded and about Gladiatorial games in the Colosseum! This workshop allowed the children a deeper understanding of the Roman army for their topic lessons, which are all about ancient armies - particularly the Greeks and Romans. They will be able to combine what they learned and experienced in the workshop in lessons and when they begin to write a non-chronological report about the Roman army in their next Literacy unit.

"The Scutum had an eagle painted on it, which was the symbol or Rome" - Tyler

"Soldiers had to march everywhere, sometimes for hours and hours!" - Brooke

"The emperor would decide whether to spare somebody's life or have them killed" - George

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