Monday 22 July 2024

Year 3 Read Under a Tree!


To enrich the children's learning experiences whilst at Broadford, Year 3 took the time last week to complete our final enrichment task, which was to read under a tree. 

The children began their experience by listening to a book of their choice being read to them by their class teacher, before taking time out to get comfortable, relax and read a book of their choice. Many of the children used their reciprocity skills to read along with their peers but others chose to take the time to read quietly alone.

'I enjoyed it because it was peaceful.' - George

'I liked reading under the tree because we were outside!' - Riley

'I loved reading outside, I was in the green zone!' - Isabella

Thursday 18 July 2024

NEW Year 4 Swimming 2024-2025


Year 4 2024-2025 Swimming Lessons

In Year 4 the children will be having swimming lessons at the Central Park Leisure Centre. 

All parents/carers, please complete Google Form.

Each class will have one half an hour session each week in a block. 

Maple: Autumn commencing: Wednesday 11th September
Willow: Spring commencing: date to be confirmed in Autumn Term
Elm: Summer commencing: date to be confirmed in Spring Term

Maple Class will commence their lessons on Wednesday 11th September 2024 

We expect this to run for the whole year, meaning each class should get roughly 10 sessions each (STC) which will ensure they achieve the swimming requirements of the national curriculum in KS2 which are to:

- swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 meters
- use a range of strokes effectively
- perform a safe self-rescue in different water based situations

The children will leave school in the afternoon, accompanied by Year 4 staff, and we will make our way to Central Park Leisure Centre on foot. We will return to school before the end of the school day.

Your child will need:

  • Swimming costume or swimming trunks (no bikinis please!)

  • A towel

  • A named bag to carry and store their items in

  • A swimming hat 

  • Goggles (not essential, but can be worn if preferred)

Children should come to school in their uniform and will get changed when we arrive at Central Park Leisure Centre. Please note, no aerosols or powders should be given to children, as these can cause problems for children with asthma.

All children, regardless of ability, will be taking part in swimming lessons as they are a National Curriculum requirement. Children will only be exempt from lessons with a signed and dated doctor’s note or certificate. 

If you have any questions or queries about this or any other swimming related issue, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Year 4 team via

Monday 15 July 2024

Year 5 swimming 2024/2025



In Year 5 the children will be having swimming lessons at the Central Park Leisure Centre. 

All parents/carers, please complete Google Form.

Each class will have one half an hour session each week in a block. 

For example - Almond will go for x amount of weeks then Oak.

Almond class will begin their swimming block on Wednesday 9th September 2024.

We expect this to run for the whole year, meaning each class should get roughly 10 sessions each (STC) which will ensure they achieve the Swimming requirements of the national curriculum in KS2 which are to:

- swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 meters

- use a range of strokes effectively

- perform a safe self-rescue in different water based situations

The children will leave school in the afternoon, accompanied by Year 5 staff, and we will make our way to Central Park Leisure Centre on foot. We will return to school by approximately 3.30/ 3.35pm and children will be leaving from the front of the school by the office. Walkers will be able to be dismissed from here as usual.

A reminder of what your child will need:

  • Swimming costume or swimming trunks (no bikinis please!)

  • A towel

  • A named bag to carry and store their items in

  • A swimming hat 

  • Goggles (not essential, but can be worn if preferred)

Children should come to school in their uniform and will get changed when we arrive at Central Park Leisure Centre. Please note, no aerosols or powders should be given to children, as these can cause problems for children with asthma.

All children, regardless of ability, will be taking part in swimming lessons as they are a National Curriculum requirement. Children will only be exempt from lessons with a signed and dated doctor’s note or certificate. 

If you have any questions or queries about this or any other swimming related issue, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Year 5 team via

Year 4 Spellings WC 15.7.24

Please find below Year 4's spellings for this week. Please encourage your child to practise their spellings every evening, so that they are prepared for their spelling test on Friday.

Sunday 14 July 2024

Year 4 Certificates -12/07/24


It has been another busy week in Year 4. As always, all of the pupils in year 4 have worked incredibly hard. A huge well done goes to this week's certificate winners for standing out! 

E for Excellence 




Star Writers




Made My Teacher Happy
Ava, Lily 

Learning Power Awards

These are they key skills that our children will need to learn effectively in the class and to be successful later in life. 



Eddy, Peace 


Friday 12 July 2024

Year 3 certificates


As the end of the school year fast approaches, the pupils in Year 3 have been working just as hard as ever. 

In Literacy this week we have been working hard on persuasive writing to help us in creating adverts for out very own marvellous medicine! We have learned about key features of persuasive writing and analysed what makes adverts so effective. 

In Math, the pupils have taken well to their new topic of statistics an have enjoyed working with data and different ways it can be represented. Today we have even used data to make our own graphs. 

Also this week, we had a great time on go bonkers day! We had a great time on all of the bouncy castles and had some well deserve fun, washed down with a delicious ice pole. 

This weeks certificates are the last of the academic year. Well done to all of the pupils who have won awards this year, your hard work shows in everything you do and you should be very proud. 

E for Excellence - Lily, Kezia, Lucia 

Star Writer - Athena, Scarlet, Ksenija

Teacher Happy - Milan, James, Eishan

4R's - Ava, Kayden, Carina, Jessica, Aryaan, Adam, Tyler

Meet the Year 3 Team 2024

Time to meet the team!

If your child was in Rowan Class they will now be in Cedar Class with Ms Jennings.

 Ms Jennings is also the Year 3 Year Group leader.


If your child was in Pine Class they will now be in Cherry Class with Miss Jewell.

If your child was in Mulberry Class they will now be in Ash Class with Mr Cardwell.

Other adults that will be in Year 3 to help us are: Mrs Mayer, Miss Smith, Mrs Spence, Mrs Amjad and Mrs Suhail. 


                                  We look forward to welcoming all of the children in September.

Meet the New Year 4 Team


The Year 4's will remain in the current Year 4 classrooms which are:

Elm, Willow, Maple

  Miss Betty will be the Year Group Lead for Year 4

If you are in Ash class, you will be going into Elm class and your class teacher will be Mrs Bamgboye and Miss Betty (Thurs - Fri).


If you are in Cedar class, you will be going into Willow class and your class teacher will be Miss Brimmer.

If you are in Cherry class, you will be going into Maple class and your class teacher will be Miss Bell.

The adults in our year group who will be here to support us are:

Miss Tracey

Miss Eve

Mrs Chandler

Mrs Axford

Year 4 Certificates 5/7/24


It has been another busy week in Year 4. As always, all of the pupils in year 4 have worked incredibly hard. A huge well done goes to this week's certificate winners for standing out! 

E for Excellence 




Star Writers




Made My Teacher Happy
Darcie, George

Learning Power Awards

These are they key skills that our children will need to learn effectively in the class and to be successful later in life. 

Laura, Umar, Ollie

Aisha, Amelia, Zayd 

Abdulahad, Osazemen, Eason

Chuka, Ayaan, Chidera

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Music Blog

 Magnificent Music! 

This half term in music Year 3 have been revising all of the skills we have learnt through the course of the year. In our lessons we start by listening to an unfamiliar piece of music and analysing it. We discuss what instruments we can hear, what time period we think it is from, if we think it tells a story and finally, we say whether or like we like the music. 

Then, we reflect in our previous learning by looking back on old songs. We share what we remember about the songs and their composers and finish our lesson by singing one of our favourite songs of the year. 

Well done to all the children in Year 3 who have worked hard to develop their beat, rhythm and singing ability. You have grown into amazing musicians with beautiful voices - thank you for the music! 

 I love listening to music and trying to guess the instruments! - Cherry 
I like when we warm up our voices and find the pulse! - Ash 
I love the rhythm of ‘The three little birds’ song’ !- Cedar