Wednesday 28 March 2018

Year 4 Travel to a Virtual Rainforest!

This morning, year 4 were treated to a visit from Stuart and his virtual reality headsets! Stuart gave a quick explanation of how to use the equipment and before we knew it, we were off!

Max and Adi were impressed by the HUGE rhinoceros beetle, but Grace thought it was a little scary!

With everyone looking through their headsets, it was bizarre seeing people move their heads around and point at things which weren't really there!

Birch and Ash were attentive, enthusiastic, and polite. All partners were patient with each other demonstrating excellent reciprocity that we have worked so hard on this year. They responded fantastically well to the questions that Stuart asked them, and Tyler couldn't wait to tell Mr Nicol about the Dead Leaf Mantis he saw over lunch.

This was a brilliant example of how technology inspires and stimulates children's learning. Good job year 4 and thank you Stuart!

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