Friday, 10 January 2025

Year 4 Spring Newsletter 2025


Headteacher: Mrs L Nicholls

Year 4 - Spring Curriculum Newsletter 


We are very excited for another term with your child! Please find below some key information about this term and a reminder of the Broadford expectations. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries using our inbox:


Our expectation at Broadford is that every child should do the following every night: 

● 15 minutes reading to themselves or an adult (signed in the reading record) 

● 15 minutes practising spellings in their spelling book 

● 15 minutes rehearsing times tables facts on Times Tables Rockstars 


Your child learning their times tables is imperative for their understanding of Maths topics as a whole. Year 4 is the consolidation of all times tables, up to 12 x 12. Your child should know their TTRockstars login but please ask your child’s teacher if they do not. 

Your child will be set 15 minutes of homework on TTRockstars, they will receive merits for completing this. 


Spellings will be given out on Mondays. The children should practise their words every evening. Spelling books must be brought in on Fridays, which is also when the weekly test happens. This will be closely monitored. 


Each class will attend swimming lessons for one term this year on Wednesdays (In order: Maple, Willow, Elm). Children in Willow will need to bring their own swimming kit into school, consisting of a swimming hat, towel, costume/trunks and goggles. Children will walk to Central Leisure with their class and return before the end of school. Please look out for more information on this for your child’s class. 

P.E Lessons

For Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, children can wear their PE kit to school for their lessons in the afternoon - navy shorts/tracksuit bottoms, plain white t-shirt, plain navy sweatshirt (no hoodies) and trainers. 

Forest School

This year all children will participate in Forest School, which will take place on Tuesday afternoons. It will go in this order: Maple, Willow, Elm. For these sessions they will need to change into: long trousers, a waterproof coat and old shoes or wellies that can stay in school. Please make sure that children have weather appropriate attire, so they can fully enjoy the sessions, even on a rainy day!

School Uniform

Please be reminded that the school colours are grey and navy. All school uniform is available through Premier School Wear. Children are permitted to wear stud earrings. Children must also not attend school wearing make-up or nail varnish/fake nails.

Reading Books

As reading is a huge priority here at Broadford, we will do our best to encourage the children to change their books regularly and every child will read 1:1 with an adult at least once a week. Please remind the children to let any adults know if they need to change their book and that it is their responsibility to bring any old reading books back to school.

105 Books to Read Before Leaving Broadford

Please be reminded of our reading reward system, where each year pupils can read 15 quality stories and be rewarded with certificates and prizes. There will be three certificates to earn - bronze, silver and gold. The children will keep trackers in school to monitor the books they have read - please find  all the key stage 2 trackers, along with the books they can read here. Please also note that some books have a gold star next to them indicating that the book can be reviewed using MyBookBlog. 

Key Dates

Spring 1

Spring 2

8th January

Willow’s first swim session

6th February

Safer Internet Day

10th January

University of Broadford starts 

7th February

Number Day

WB 13th January

Amazing Attendance and Perfect Punctuality week!

24th February

Return to school

30th January

Stay & Learn 2.30pm

26th February

Willow start swimming again

3rd-9th February

Children’s Mental Health Week

5th March

NSPCC Numbers Event

4th February

A.I.M High Maths Day for selected pupils

6th March

World Book Day

11th February

School of Noise Workshop

Science Curriculum link

WB 24th March

University of Broadford Graduations

12th February

Parent Consultations 1

26th March

Willow last swimming session

13th February

Parent Consultations 2

2nd April

Easter Parade

Curriculum Information

We have included a summary of the topics which the children will be covering this term below, so that you can best support your child with their learning at home.

Any questions please email -

Yours faithfully,

Miss Betty                                      Miss Brimmer                      Miss Bell                            Mrs Bamgboye

Year 4 Lead                                    Willow Class Teacher        Maple Class Teacher       Elm Class Teacher 

Elm Class Teacher (Thurs & Fri)                                                                                            (Mon - Weds)      

Spring Term

1st Half Term

2nd Half Term


The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane 

There’s a Boy in the Girls Bathroom

Guided Reading

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane 

There’s a Boy in the Girls Bathroom


Recap of Number and Place Value

Fractions and Decimals 

Multiplication and Division

Area and Perimeter


Programming - Repetition

Data and Information - Data Logging



Biology - Data Collection


Sustainability - Energy



UK Study


Keeping Safe

Rights and Respect


What do religions teach about the natural world and why should we care?

What does it mean to be Jewish?




Art/Design and Technology

Exploring Still Life

Mechanical Systems 



Where in the World


Grime and Bhangra

Lean on Me

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