Sunday 11 September 2016

Year 3 Learning Challenge Autumn 1

How well do you know your local area?

Below is the significant person, painting, piece of music and poem which are related to this half term's theme - How well do you know your local area?

It would be brilliant to see as many completed projects as possible in Year 3!


Frank Lampard


'Wivenhoe Park' 
by John Constable


'A13, Trunk Road to the sea' by Billy Bragg


'If I Were to Own' (Abridged) by Edward Thomas

If I were to own this countryside
As far as a man in a day could ride,
And the Tyes were mine for giving or letting,--
Wingle Tye and Margaretting
Skreens, Gooshays, and Cockerells,
Shellow, Rochetts, Bandish, and Pickerells,

Fields where plough-horses steam and plovers
Fling and whimper, hedges that lovers
Love, and orchards, shrubberies, walls
Where the sun untroubled by north wind falls,

For a song, a blackbird's song, at dawn.
He should have no more, till on my lawn
Never a one was left, because I
Had shot them to put them into a pie,--
His Essex blackbirds, every one,
And I was left old and alone.

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