Friday 5 May 2023

Year 3's Super Scientists

Year 3's Super Scientists!

This half term we have been looking at rocks and soils. Our super scientists first began by identifying different types of rocks and classifying them using their own code. They could choose to group their rocks by colour, size or texture. We then conducted an experiment to see whether our rocks were permeable or impermeable, hard wearing and whether they could float and used this research to create new groups for our rocks! Using starburst, we were able to observe how rocks change from being sedimentary, igneous, magma and how they are then affected by the weather. 

We moved on to soils and were able to see and feel a range of soil types. We then predicted the permeability of these soils based on what we could see. Using a coffee filter, beaker and water pupils were then able to make observations about the permeability of the different soils!

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