Friday 3 May 2024

Science Learning Blog


This week in science, year 3 started their new topic - rocks and soils! 

We kicked off our topic with an interesting lesson where we tested and classified different types of rock. 

We started off by looking at rocks without knowing what type they were. Some of the ways pupils grouped their rocks were by size, colour and of they were shiny or not. An example of the types of rock we looked at were: chalk, marble and granite! 

We learned about the terms permeable and impermeable, testing to see which rocks belong to which of these categories. We also tested the different rocks to see of they are hard or soft and whether or not they float. The children worked really hard and followed a chart to identify the different types of rock based on their properties.
Well done to everyone for being super scientists! Stay curious year 3. 

Let's have a look at how much year 3 enjoyed their experiments and what they had to day about it! 

Ash - ‘The water soaked into the rock, that means it is permeable’ - Aariz

Cherry - 'If something is impermeable it is like it is waterproof ' - Oscar 

Cedar -  'Permeable means it lets water through' - Cruz

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