Friday 7 June 2024

Magnificent Mini Medics in Year 3!


Year 3 have had the fantastic opportunity to learn Mini Medics First Aid! All three classes have experienced a fun filled day of learning all about First Aid and how to help others when they are injured. They started by looking at what is First Aid? What are in First Aid kits and important things to know about First Aid. The children were amazing at identifying where our First Aid bags are kept in class and where we should go to replenish any items needed. 

After this, they moved on to learning about DR ABC. This is a little acronym for them to understand the different parts of helping someone who is injured. 

D - dangers 

R - response

A - airway 

B - breathing 


This helped them to develop their understanding of dangers and hazards around us, especially electricity and how to approach someone if they are in danger. The children now know how to see if someone can respond to them, to check their airways and breathing which would then lead to calling 999 or 111 in emergencies if they are not responding or breathing. 

If this is the case, they begin to perform CPR! This was very hands on for the children, they were able to use Annes to practice and counted up to 30 times when completing their chest compressions. 

After this, they carefully listened to instructions on how to attach a defibrillator and what to do, how to put someone in the recovery position, how to help someone who is choking, how to apply bandages, how to help someone having an asthma attack and if someone suffers from shock. Wow, what a lot of fascinating and interesting topics to learn about! 

A huge well done to Year 3! They all demonstrated fantastic reciprocity skills with their partners and super resourcefulness skills. 

‘I enjoyed learning how to help people and how to save a life!’  - Lily

'When you give CPR you give 30 pushes at a time.' - Chloe

‘You call 999 or 112 in an emergency!’ - Ahmad

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