Friday 4 October 2024

Year 3 Certificates


It's been another wonderful week of learning in Year 3 and the children have been working hard and have made excellent progress in their learning. 

In Literacy, the children have been using their knowledge of letter writing to form a reply to themselves as Callum, the ingenious inventor at the heart of our story for this half term. The children have worked independently to write this reply using all the features of letter writing. They then read these letters to the class, ensuring they used clear tone and volume throughout. Well done Year 3!

In Maths, the children have been using the greater than, less than and equal to symbols to order numbers up to 1000. The children then used their knowledge of the five times table to help them count in 50s. Well done Year 3, looks like all that TT Rockstar's practice is paying off!

Here are the certificate winners for this week...

E for Excellence - Millen, Success and Ambica

Star Writer - Spencer, Layla-Mae and Poppy

Teacher Happy - Onyeka, Aisosa, Eva and 

4Rs - Theo, Dani-Ella and Asra


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