Saturday 17 November 2018

Year 3 - Children in need fun!

Wow, we celebrated 'Children in need' in style this year and hopefully raised lot's of funds for a worthy cause.  In Year 3 we decorated biscuits to sell at the amazing cake sale, we took part in the coin race and the children had great fun designing and making outfits for the teachers.
The children showed great reciprocity for their fellow class mates, when they worked tirelessly hard to create the longest line with 1p and 2p coins.  The coins had to be touching each other. Thanks to your great generosity the coins in year three made a combined line of 65 metres ! Sequoia class just took the edge and won the race.  
The children also enjoyed getting creative with the outfits for the teachers.  Miss Taylor was lucky enough to have an array of accessories including hand bags and fascinators! Molly said "I'm going to make you a necklace" and Freddie said "I've made you a belt Miss Taylor".

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