Monday 19 April 2021

Wellbeing Journals in Year 4

In year 4, we have made sure that a core part of the children's curriculum has been to reflect on their emotions and take the time to focus on their wellbeing. 

With that in mind, the children have been developing their own wellbeing journals, where they are able to draw or write about themselves, keep a record of their feelings and the things they are doing to look after themselves. We have found it so important for the children to think carefully about how they can cope with inevitable stresses of life (especially given the last year), work productively and fruitfully and positively contribute to their community - school or otherwise.

Today in RSE, the children enjoyed thinking about what makes them happy and things that they can do to get into the Green Zone.

"I like thinking about things that make me feel and the Zones," Tavia, Larch.

"I am so happy when I eat my favourite food," Iniya, Birch. 

"When I am in the yellow, blue, or red zone, I know I need to use my toolbox to help me get back into the green zone. Like breathing deeply!" Livi, Ash

It was brilliant to see the children using their reflectiveness learning power so effectively. Keep up the brilliant work, year 4! 

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