Thursday, 28 September 2017

Roman soldier time travels to Year 4!

Yesterday, year 4 were joined by a time traveller, Felix, the Roman legionary! He had travelled for many years and through countries, to reach us at Broadford Primary School. Felix taught us many interesting facts about Roman soldiers.

Some of the new vocabulary we learnt were Latin words:

The helmet was called a Galea.

The body armour was called the Lorica.

The sword was called a Gladius.

The shield was called a Scutum... not to be confused with a scooter!

Felix also told us all about how the Romans lived. He told us some of their favourite dinners: 

Peacock brain
Elephant trunk
Door mouse dipped in honey! 


Remember always eat with your right hand and NOT with your left...

Year 4 pupils can tell you why!

Ash become Roman detectives!

Today in Maths, we worked in partners and became Roman Numeral detectives.
We were each given 4 different codes to crack in partners.

We all used our knowledge of Roman Numerals to decipher the code.
Excellent work Roman detectives :)

Senatus Populusque Birchus!

Yesterday, Birch class had a real treat in the shape of Felix, the Roman legionary! He had travelled through the countries, Germania, Gaul,  and Hispania to reach us in Harold Hill. He told tales of his fellow soldiers in the Roman army and of the fearsome Queen Boadicea.

Esther and Adi were lucky enough to try on the galea and hold the scootum!

Clothed in the finest armour the Roman army had to offer, Felix engaged all students in an epic slow motion battle, where he bellowed instructions at his new Roman cohort! The Barbarians, led by Charis suffered a woeful defeat thanks to the Romans' organisation and Felix's fine leadership.

The battle was followed by a feast, harvested by Evie, cooked up by Matthew, and served by Elinga to the fancy Roman lords.

The session concluded with a march around the hall led by the fearsome warriors, Olivia and Sydney. Sin! Sin! Sin, dex, sin!

For 10 housepoints, what were the typical Roman foods that Elinga served to the fancy lords? Answers in the comments section below

Senatus Populusque Romanus!

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Puzzling maths in Year 3!

Year 3 were faced with the challenge of a Tarsia puzzle in maths this week. The only way they could find the solution was to work out each question mentally (which was no easy feat).

"It was quite difficult because we had to match the pieces of the puzzle by working out subtraction and addition questions!" Amandeep, Sequoia.

"I worked really well with my partner, Billy, which meant we solved the puzzle first!" Spencer, Sequoia.

The challenge didn't seem to phase year 3 in the slightest! Keep up the super work!

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Ash show off their fabulous drama skills!

Today in Literacy we worked in groups to plan a sequel for our Literacy and Language focus story, ‘Lost or Stolen?’ We all worked well as a team and shared our ideas, showing reciprocity.

Once we had planned our build-up, dilemma, resolution and ending, we got a chance to act out our sequels and use some of our fantastic drama skills.

Monday, 25 September 2017

Year 4 Spellings W/C 25.09.17

Please find below the spellings for this week.
The test will be on Friday, please encourage your pupils to complete as homework every evening.

:) Miss Daly and Mr Nicol

Year 3 Spellings W/C 25.09.17

Please find below Year 3's spellings for this week. Please encourage your child to practise their spellings every night so that they are prepared for the test on Friday.

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Ash class have a go at being Historians!

It has been a busy week so far for Ash class!
Tuesday afternoon, Ash class worked in groups to compete in ordering historical timelines!

We learnt some new vocabulary: chronology, BCE and CE.
At the end of the lesson we made a human timeline.

The class worked together, sharing ideas and showed resilience when they found the task challenging.
Keep up the excellent work Ash!

Miss Daly :)

Classifying animals in Ash class

This week,  Year 4 have started their Science topic based on the 'Environment, Ecology, and Evolution'

In Ash class, we were all given images and we had to classify them into different groups.
We were able to group them based on size, colour or species.

We had a lot of fun working in groups exploring the different classifications. 

There was fantastic team work skills spotted by Miss Daly around the room.
All of Ash class were displaying reciprocity.

Miss Daly

Chronology takes a Leap Forward in Birch Class

Yesterday afternoon, Birch Class took on the challenge of getting to grips with historical timelines! Each group was given many different periods of history which they had to order.

The tricky part came when Birch class had to taken into account that some of the dates were BCE and some were CE. Using their new chronological awareness, the groups managed to set their timelines right, as Jorja can be seen doing here!

Excellent reciprocity, Birch class! Your new knowledge will come in handy during every single future history lesson!

Year 3 Travel Back in Time!

As part of Year 3's wow day on Tuesday, the children entered Broadford's time machine and were transported all the way back to the early age of man! The children were taken to their very own stone age dwelling and transformed its walls into a work of art!

They worked together to create some fabulous cave paintings, making sure to stay true to the time period they were in.

Some depicted brave warriors in battle while others decided to show a normal day's hunting in the life of a stone age man.

We are so impressed with the final result, definitely a piece of work to be very proud of! Great job Sequoia and Hazel!

Monday, 18 September 2017

Year 3 Spellings W/C 18.09.17

 Please find below Year 3's spellings for this week. Please encourage your child to practise every day in order to be ready for the test on Friday.

Year 4 Spellings W/C 18.09.17

Please find below the spellings for this week.
The test will be on Friday, please encourage your pupils to complete as homework every evening.

:) Miss Daly and Mr Nicol

Friday, 15 September 2017

Ash's aspirations

In Ash class we have discussed what we want to do well at this school year.

Last week, we discussed the importance of aspirations and having high expectations both in and outside the classroom.

We all want to try our best and make this 'the best year yet'.

In our classroom we have created a display to remind ourselves to 'aim for the moon'.

Year 4 Intrepid Explorers:

Miss Daly asked us:

'Imagine if you saw the moon for the first time in your rocket!'

Fun in the sun!

Year 4 have had a fantastic first 2 weeks back at school.

Keep up the excellent work.

Have a lovely weekend :)

Miss Daly and Mr Nicol

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Birch Start to Delve Deep into History

This week marked the start of year 4's new topic: the Roman Army!

With the help of multiple resources, Birch class pieced together numerous facts to start to create an idea of what life was during the Roman Empire. Sydney and Charis discovered that only rich families could afford to live in well-built houses, Summer Rose and Matthew found out that your parents (and not you) that would choose who your future wife or husband was, and Oliver H. and Jorja told the class that Romans all went to the toilet together! Yuck!

Good job, Birch class! For 20 housepoints, who can remember what a Roman solider's sword was called? Leave your answer in the comments section!

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Year 4 Learning Challenge

Executive Headteacher: Mr M Drakes
Headteacher: Mrs L Nicholls

Learning Challenge

September 2017
Dear Parents and Carers,
We are delighted to provide you with the Learning Challenge for the first half of the Autumn Term.
The activities have been split into Basic, Advanced and Deep Learning. This is designed to ensure that children not only acquire factual knowledge but also gain a further understanding about how their new skills or knowledge can be applied to their own lives or be used to further their cognitive and social development.  
The theme of the Learning Challenge for this half of the Autumn Term is “The Romans” It is entirely up to the child whether they select the poem, significant person, music or painting, or a combination of all 4. They can also select the activities that they want to attempt, though we would encourage them to deepen their learning as much as possible.
Although the Learning challenge is entirely optional, and in addition to the daily expectation of 15 minutes reading, 15 minutes times tables rehearsals and 15 minutes spellings practice, we have found that a large proportion of children have voluntarily taken up the challenge and have gained a great deal from it. We would therefore be grateful if you could encourage this at home. The children will receive a special Learning Challenge certificate at the end of the half term on completion of a project that shows a significant level of effort and challenge undertaken by the individual child.
We thank you again for your continued support, and look forward to seeing you in the near future.
Yours sincerely,

Miss Daly Mr Nicol
Ash Class Teacher Birch Class Teacher
Year 4 Lead

Learn it off by heart
Find out 10 facts about the painting/artist
Draw a portrait of the person
Listen to a piece of music
Find another poem by the poet
Produce a collage of other paintings by the artist
Produce a timeline of their life 
Identify the instruments.
Create a performance as part of a pair/group
Draw a picture in similar style
Produce a poster to advertise their achievements
Research the life of the composer.
Write a short biography about the poet
Transform the medium of the painting: use collage instead of painting
Write a letter
asking them about
their life
Attempt to recreate the piece of music 
Write your own poem inspired by the topic
Use the image as a
stimulus for
Explain how the world would be without this person
A mind map of different emotions you feel at various points in the piece
Compare and contrast two poems by the poet
Describe what the painting: what it represents, how it makes you feel, what it is based on
Give five reasons for and against why they should be in ‘The Hall of
Produce a piece of art/collage based on how the music makes you feel.

Year 4 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 1

Interim Headteacher: Mrs L Nicolls
Interim Executive Headteacher: Mr M Drakes

September 2017
Year 4 - Autumn Curriculum Newsletter

A warm welcome back to the Autumn Term from the Year 4 team!  We hope you find this letter informative; please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions relating to the curriculum.

Our expectation at Broadford is that every child should do the following every night:
● 15 minutes reading to themselves or an adult (signed in the reading record)
● 15 minutes practicing spellings in their spelling book
● 15 minutes rehearsing times tables facts (including multiplication and division)

If children would like to attempt an additional challenge, we have a new Learning Challenge for children to attempt this Autumn Term. All of the activities are based around a significant person, poem or painting relating to our topics. Children do not have to attempt every activity but instead select the activities that they are most interested in and compile a project that reflects the extra time and effort that they have put into their challenge. We hope that children will take their time with the challenge and be proud of the work they produce. The children should hand this into their teacher at the end of the Half Term.

Extended Learning:
To assist children with their learning even further, the children can use ‘My Maths’. The login for this program is broadford and the new password is broadford. Each child will be given a personal login so that they can access tasks the class teacher has set for them.

Spellings will be given out on Mondays. The children should practice their words every evening. Spelling books and reading records must be brought in on Fridays, which is also when the weekly test happens.

P.E and Art Lessons
Ash and Birch will have PE and art lessons every half term on a Thursday afternoon.
Please ensure that your child is in possession of a full, named PE kit with plimsolls for their lessons.

Parental help:
It is always extremely valuable to have parents who are able to volunteer time to help hear the children read, or support them with their times tables. If you think that you are able to give a small amount of regular time to support the children then it would be warmly welcomed.

Curriculum Information
We have included a summary of the topics which the children will be covering this term. If you would like to make any suggestions of what you or your child would like to learn in relation to the topics taught, please inform your child’s class teacher. We welcome any suggestions you may have.

We look forward to meeting you over the next few weeks; please do come and see us if you have any questions at all or if you would like to offer yourself as additional support on any upcoming trips.

Yours sincerely,

Miss Daly Mr Nicol
Year 4 Lead Birch Class Teacher
Ash Class Teacher

Autumn Term

1st Half Term
2nd Half Term
Fiction: Dilemma Story
Non-Fiction: Information Texts
Fiction: Poetry
Non-Fiction: Balanced Arguments
Please fill in the reading journal after hearing your child read. For a good selection of children’s books, visit your local library. Useful web links:
Place Value
Addition and subtraction
Multiplication and division
Area and perimeter
Please practice the times tables with your child. The school is continuing to focus on Mental maths this year and it would be of great help if your children could learn them. Useful websites:
Environment, Ecology and Evolution
What was life like in the Roman Army?
What was life like in the Anglo Saxon Army?
Being valued
Netball. Football and Rugby
Art/Design and Technology
Body and movement
Greeting someone
Days of the week
Roman army inspiration day (date to be confirmed)
Moana Cinema trip - 9th November
Birch sharing assembly -15th November