Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Birch's Team Building Challenges

Yesterday, Birch started off the new half term with some team building activities. In groups of 4, the children had to work together as a team to build the tallest tower possible using... their shoes! There was a lot of discussion about the best ways of starting, with Melisa's group agreeing that the biggest shoes should go at the bottom.

Alex and Grace was obviously pleased that their tower worked!

Morgan and Evie managed to use Charlie's and Oliver H's shoes well!

 The next challenge was to describe an image on the board to a member of the group who couldn't see it, but needed to draw it. Communication, clarity, and speed were all needed to succeed in this task!

 On reflection of her group's performance, Jorja said everyone in her group managed to communicate effectively under pressure. Other members of the class said that it was sometimes difficult to explain something that seemed so obvious!

 This was an excellent activity that promoted reciprocity and reflectiveness, both of which we will be focusing on this half term!

Year 3's Spellings W/C 30.10.17

Please find Year 3's spellings for the week. Please encourage your child to practise them every night so that they are prepared for their test on Friday.

Monday, 30 October 2017

Year 3 Curriculum Newsletter

Year 3 - Curriculum Newsletter
Welcome back to the new half term! We hope you find this letter informative, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher if you have any questions relating to the curriculum.
Our expectation at Broadford is that every child should do the following every night:
  • 15 minutes reading to themselves or an adult and note in the reading record
  • 15 minutes practicing spellings
  • 15 minutes rehearsing times tables facts (including multiplication and division)

If children would like to attempt an additional challenge, we have a new Learning Challenge for children to attempt this half of the Autumn Term. All of the activities are based around a significant person, poem or painting relating to our topics. Children do not have to attempt every activity but instead select the activities that they are most interested in and compile a project that reflects the extra time and effort that they have put into their challenge. We hope that children will take their time with the challenge and be proud of the work they produce they should hand this into their teacher at the end of the half term.

Homework Help:
To assist children with their homework they can use ‘My Maths’. The login for this program is Broadford and the password is triangle. Each child has been given a personal login so they can access tasks that the class teacher has set for them. The children can also ask their class teacher for support or guidance with any project that they may be undertaking.

Spellings will be given out on Mondays. The children should practice their words every evening. The test will take place on Fridays.
Parental help:
It is always extremely valuable to have parents who are able to volunteer time to help hear the children read, or support them with their times tables. If you think that you are able to give some time to support the children then it would be warmly welcomed. Once again you will need a current DBS in order to work inside the school.
Curriculum Information
We have included a summary of the topics which the children will be covering this half term. If you have any questions about the topics being covered, please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs Claxton Mr White


1st Half Term
2nd Half Term
Spelling, grammar and punctuation
Creating a setting
Information Texts
Spelling, grammar and punctuation

Please fill in the reading journal after hearing your child read.
For a good selection of children books visit your local library.
Useful web links-
Reasoning with 3 digit numbers (Place Value)
Addition & Subtraction
Addition & Subtraction
Multiplication and Division
Please practice the times tables with your children. The school is really focusing on Mental maths this term and it would be of great help if your children could learn them.
Useful websites:
Year 3 Starter Unit
Year 3 Starter Unit

Ecology, Environment & Evolution
Ecology, Environment & Evolution
You could visit the Science Museum. Admission is free. Located at Exhibition Road in South Kensington, London, SW7 2DD.
History/ Geography
How has architecture influenced society across the ages?
How has architecture influenced society across the ages?

Hinduism - Festival of Diwali
Netball/Football/Tag Rugby
Netball/Football/Tag Rugby
Please ensure your child has their P.E kit for the correct day
Sequoia - Wednesday
Hazel - Wednesday
Rhythm and Pitch
Rhythm and Pitch
Art/ Design and Technology
Faces and Expression
Faces and Expression
Greeting someone, numbers, days of the week, colours, equipment
Greeting someone, numbers, days of the week, colours, equipment
New beginnings

Year 3's Learning Challenge - Autumn 2

Learn it off by heart
Find out 10 facts about the paintings
Draw a portrait of the person
Listen to a piece of music
Find another poem by the poet
Produce a collage of paintings from the caves of Lascaux
Produce a timeline of their life
Identify the instruments
Create a performance as part of a pair/group
Draw a picture in similar style
Produce a poster to advertise their achievements
Research the life of the composer
Write a short biography about the poet
Transform the medium of the painting: use collage instead of painting
Write a letter asking them about their life
Attempt to recreate the piece of music
Write your own poem inspired by the topic
Use the image as a stimulus for 100WC
Explain how the world would be without this person
A mind map of different emotions you feel at various points in the piece
Compare and contrast two poems by the poet
Describe what the painting: what it represents, how it makes you feel, what it is based on
Give five reasons for and against why they should be in ‘The Hall of Fame’
Produce a piece of art/collage based on how the music makes you feel.

Significant Person

Charles Darwin

Image result for charles darwin



‘The Cave Paintings of Lascaux, France’

Image result for cave paintings of lascaux



‘Radetzky March, Op. 228’ by Johann Strauss Sr


Poem- ‘Stonehenge’ by Brian Moses
I remember Stonehenge
in the days where you could still
get close to the stones.
I remember being there, seeing their bulk
and feeling their solid substance.
It was the past brought close,
I could hear the tick of time,
the heartbeat of history.

If only the stones were transmitters,
they could broadcast their story,
answer the ‘whys’ of Stonehenge,
why Salisbury Plain gained
such a monument, why it was built,
was it temple or tomb?

It only we could summon solutions
from the sky, the clouds, the hills,
from those witnesses to the march
of these monoliths, to their positioning
and their raising.

And if only we knew who built this circle,
who mourned the winter sun
as the solstice darkened the day.
Did they ever imagine the puzzle
they were leaving behind?

And I wonder again at the thread
between present and past,
at all those who have stood
by these stones, hoping to hear
some sort of message
to the living from the dead,
so one of history’s mysteries
might be solved at last.

Friday, 20 October 2017

Well done Ash!

Dear Ash Class,

Wow! What an amazing half term!

I just wanted to say thank you to all of the parents and pupils for making me feel so welcome as a new teacher at Broadford Primary School.

Below are some activities that the children have the option to complete over the half term holidays:

  1. Rock Star Maths
  2. A diary entry as a Roman soldier - Don’t forget to use past tense and the vocabulary learnt in History!
  3. A fact file about an animal (amphibian, bird, mammal, reptile, fish, insect)
  4. Design a new front cover/ blurb for your favourite book
  5. A poem using about your half term ( you could use repetition, rhyme or similes)

It has been a brilliant half term and all of the children have already made some excellent progress. I hope you all have a lovely half term break.

Stay safe please!

Kind regards,

Miss Daly

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Ash become poets!

Yesterday in Literacy, we worked in groups to identify different features of a poem. We learnt a lot of new techniques, such as: Rhythm, Rhyme, Repetition, Alliteration, Similes and Personification.

Once we had correctly matched each poem to its features, we got a chance to perform the poems in groups! We all used expression and intonation throughout the performances.

House Football Tournament

On Tuesday afternoon, year 3 and year 4 took part in a House Football Tournament.
All the teams showed reciprocity throughout the afternoon.
Each house cheered and supported the players on the pitch. Here are some action shots:

Monday, 16 October 2017

Year 4 Spellings W/C 16.10.17

Hello Ash and Birch class :)

Please find below the spellings for this week.
The test will be on Friday, please encourage your pupils to complete as homework every evening.

Miss Daly and Mr Nicol

Year 3 Parents' Evening

Please be advised that Year 3's parents' evening will be taking place in the hall. We look forward to seeing you there at your allotted slot.

Many thanks for you continued support!

Mrs Claxton & Mr White 

Year 3 Spellings W/C 16.10.17

Please find below Year 3's spellings for this week. Please encourage your child to practise every day so that they are prepared for the spelling test on Friday.

Friday, 13 October 2017

Road Safety

We had such a fun morning on Thursday in year 4!

Peter, who was from School of Magic, visited our school to teach us about Road Safety.
Not only was he funny but also he showed us some amazing magical tricks.

One of the tricks used a piece of string. Firstly, he folded the string. Next, he cut the string.
However, when he revealed the string it was even longer than before!

We also learnt all about being safe on the road.
Always use a pelican crossing and STOP, LOOK, LISTEN and THINK before you cross the road.

By Kaitlyn, Arya and Fayo (Ash Class)

Thursday, 12 October 2017

The rebellion of Ash class!

Recently, we have been learning about the Celts and the Romans. Miss Daly told us the story of Queen Boudicca and her rebellion and we had to work in groups to organise the story chronologically! 

Next, we worked in groups to act out the famous Roman tale!

We all worked well as a team and showed reciprocity throughout the task.

Ask the class: What does chronologically mean?
Who won the Celts or the Romans? What happened to Queen Boudicca?

Monday, 9 October 2017

Year 4 Spellings W/C 09.10.17

Please find below the spellings for this week.
The test will be on Friday, please encourage your pupils to complete as homework every evening.
Remember to earn a merit:Find out the meaning of the juicy words (16-20).Try using them in sentences of your own.
:) Miss Daly and Mr Nicol

Roman formations

Last week, in History, we learnt about the successful Roman army. The Roman army was the largest and meanest fighting force in the ancient world. The soldiers were the best trained, they had the best weapons and the best armour. We all became Roman soldiers today and learnt their formations.

The testudo: This formation was used to defend.
The orb: This formation was used to defend.
The wedge: This formation was used to attack.

Ash class quiz:

What shape is created in the wedge formation?
What does testudo mean? 
Who would be protected in an ‘orb’ formation? Why?

Friday, 6 October 2017

Birch Maths Debate - Which is more important: hard work, knowledge, or attitude?

This morning, Birch class braved the chill of the early air to complete a tricky addition task. Using the key below, which gets you closest to 100%? Is it HARD WORK, KNOWLEDGE, or ATTITUDE?

Working in partners and using chalk to help them, there was a mad dash to find out who could discover the answer!

There were some excellent partnerships including Evie and Max, Deborah and Matthew, and Jaydon and Jorja.

By the time we had finished, Birch class had work out that HARK WORK brings you to 98%, KNOWLEDGE brings you to only 96%, and ATTITUDE gets you all the way to 100%! Bear this in mind next time your thinking thinking of skipping spelling practice, Birch Class!

House Point Challenge

Using the same key, what would GROWTH MINDSET give you? The first correct answer will receive 10 house points on Monday!

Have a good weekend and try to fit in some reading.
Mr Nicol :)