Friday, 19 December 2014

Ash Class Christmas Party

Yesterday afternoon was a chance to put down our pencils and have some good old fashioned festive fun! We joined Rowan class in the hall for some 'musical statues', then went back to Ash for some party food, a film, a 'pass the parcel' game and the obligatory 'musical chairs'! 

Year 3 Healthy Cooking Masterclass with Mr Borrell

As one of their '48 Experiences at Broadford',  Year 3 had the unique opportunity to learn about healthy cooking first hand. On Wednesday afternoon, top chef and parent governor Mark Borrell came in and demonstrated how to make authentic Mexican quesadillas, then we had a go at our own!
Mr Borrell explained that a vegetarian quesadilla is a good example of a balanced meal, as it comprises carbohydrates, protein, about four portions of veg and some healthy fats. As ever, the proof of the pudding was in the eating, and the quesadillas didn't disappoint!

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

End of term party!

Year 3 are excitedly getting prepared for their end of term party tomorrow. 

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Ash Class Star Writer

The star writer in Ash Class this week is Ella Nash. Ella's newspaper article about the Roman Invasion of Britain and the end of the British Iron Age was written in the true 'reporter' style, It was also full of interesting and powerful vocabulary. She even included quotes from an 'eyewitness'!

Friday, 5 December 2014

Goals, goals and more goals!

This week we hosted the year 3/4 in house football competition. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and worked together to select the children participating, play the games and cheer on their teams. Even though the weather nearly spoilt the day, we managed to move inside and complete the competition. I am proud to say there was some fantastic football played by all but the winning team was... GREEN! I would also like to say a big well done to Michael Rack and Athenkosi Nombeko who were nominated as 'player of the match' for year 3 and 4. Well done to all!

Birch Star Writer

Star writer for Birch this week is Brandon Brown. He has successfully created a newspaper article about the discovery of Iron whilst using his 5W's and a punctuated quote, well done Brandon!

Year 3/4 Spelling Week 6

Here are the spellings for year 3/4 for next week, the test will be on Friday as usual.

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Ash Class Star Writer

The star writer in Ash class this week is Bradley Joy. We have begun to use the 'Talk for Writing' approach for our big writes in Year 3 and this was the first batch of resulting work.
Bradley clearly demonstrated he had taken on board the time adverbials and powerful vocabulary that were used in the example recount we learned. He then applied these to his recount of the trip through time we went on with 'Claire the Time Hunter', a visiting theatre performer. Well done Bradley!

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Rowan Star Writer

The star writer for Rowan this week is Georgia Chilvers. She has successfully written a recount of her afternoon at 'The Early Ages of Man' workshop. Georgia has described her experience with great detail and she has also used a variety of sentence openers to entice the reader into each new paragraph. Well done Georgia!