Thursday 8 December 2016

Tackling the tarsia

This week in maths, Willow have been recognising and identifying equivalent fractions. After the success of Tuesday's lesson, it was clear the children were ready to face a challenge... The equivalent fraction tarsia puzzle. Although it may seem simple (which it did at first to the children) they soon discovered that it required a high level of thinking, investigating and problem solving. Across the room, brains could be seen pulsating in the children's heads.

Ranita, who decided to tackle the 2 chilli tarsia, commented that:

the tarsia was so brain boggling, it actually made my head hurt. 

Despite such claims, Ranita, alongside partner Samanyu Handoo, persevered with the task and in the final minute of the lesson, managed to complete the tarsia.

Great work Willow! Keep it up.

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