Friday 18 September 2020

Disgusting Digestion in Year 4!

This week in year 4, we have been learning all about the digestive system and the journey that food takes once it enters our mouths. 

To demonstrate this, the children simulated their own digestive system by mashing and grinding food like our teeth do, breaking the food down with the help of some stomach acid (a fizzy drink) and squeezing all of the nutrients and vitamins out just as our intestines do.

It was pretty gruesome and there were quite a few disgusted faces across year 4, but we had so much fun and they definitely all have a better understanding of how our digestive system works now!

"It was really fun, but so disgusting - especially when we squeezed all the liquid out through the tights!" - Ella, Larch

"The experiment was really fun. It developed my understanding of the digestive system." - Medeea, Birch

"It was FUN! I learnt that the small intestine is much larger than the large intestine!"  - Saarah, Ash

As always, year 4 impressed us with their superb behaviour and reciprocity when working together.

Great job, year 4!

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