Monday 23 March 2020

Hello to Year 3 & 4!

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Hi Year 3 & 4! Welcome to week 1 of home learning! Strange to not see your faces today - but we are thinking of you.

Take a look at your pack we sent home from school, choose an activity and complete it today! Pace yourselves and do not rush through it.

Check Google Classroom - Miss Islam, Miss Young and Miss Betty will have put some tasks in for you to do, and next week we will put out a task a day. Remember to hand in your assignment click on the task, click create, and when you're done click turn it in.

PE - Join Joe Wicks on YouTube for a 30 minute workout at 9AM 

Rockstars - Can you get 25/25 in soundcheck? Use this time to see how many Rockstar levels you can move up!

Spellings - practice your spellings from the blog or in your homework book (year 3). Can you make any exciting sentences? How many can you get correct? On Friday, we will upload a spelling test video for you so you can do your spelling test from home.

Reading - don’t forget to read. This can be ANYTHING. Read a recipe, your favourite book, your book from school, something on a website, comics - just make sure you’re reading! If you can, read aloud to an adult and do your best teacher telling story voice.

Take a picture of all the things you have read (can be the subtitles of your favourite TV programme to a page in the newspaper!) and create a Google Slides compiling all the photos!

Year 4, remember you use your Google accounts on a daily basis in school on the chromebooks, which is why we have not provided your username and passwords for them.

Fun things to do
  • Join/download the app Duolingo and learn some French!
  • Collect leaves from the garden - use the internet to find out what they are then use them to make art with! BritishTrees is an app which can help you classify and identify leaves, plants and trees
  • Practice and perform a dance for your family. Or dance along to Just Dance
  • Try some yoga!
  • Create a word search for a topic of your choice! What about one on volcanoes or earthquakes? Or one on Varjak Paw?
  • Discuss the philosophical question of the week: Is it worse to fail at something or never attempt it in the first place?
  • Try for free resources on numerous topics!
If you have any questions, email us ( or use Google Classroom.

Speak to you soon

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