Friday 23 September 2022

Year 3 Dog's Trust Visit


On Wednesday, the Dog's Trust came to visit the Year 3 children at school, to inform them all about the Be Dog Smart Programme, which focuses on safe behaviour around dogs.

Dogs Trust is a British animal welfare charity and humane society which specialises in the well-being of dogs. It is the largest dog welfare charity in the United Kingdom, caring for over 15,000 animals each year. Dogs Trust's primary objective is to protect all dogs in the UK and elsewhere from maltreatment, cruelty and suffering. It focuses on the rehabilitation and rehoming of dogs which have been either abandoned or given up by their owners through rehoming services.

The children were so excited to take part in the workshop and proved to be super listeners. They used their resourcefulness skills to link learning and ask questions, which impressed both the teachers and the education and community officer. Well done Year 3!

'I know to approach Theo quietly and calmly.' - Liroshan

'Don't shout or touch a dog's face when you see them in the park.' - James

'I know to be careful when cuddling a dog. Wait for them to come to you.' - Zayd 

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