Wednesday 8 November 2017

Practical Multiplication in Year 3!

This week in year 3 the children have been developing their conceptual understanding of multiplication and applying their knowledge and skills to real life situations.

One challenge of the week was to use a range of concrete objects available to them to represent different calculations in the three times table.

The children also attempted to represent the calculations pictorially by drawing a range of images which corresponded with a particular question in the three times table. They all wowed the teachers with their creative and unique ideas to represent the numbers.

"I drew a pizza with 4 slices and 3 bits of pepperoni on each slice to show 3 x 4."
Emily, Year 3

“I used 3 5p coins to represent 5 x 3.”
Amandeep Ubhi

By the end of the lesson, all the children had deepened their conceptual understanding of multiplication and even began to notice its relationship with division.

Keep up the superb work year 3. You are going to be multiplication superstars in no time!

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