Tuesday 5 January 2016

Science fiction in Willow

Willow class have started their new topic in literacy this week and I can already see that they are going to produce some incredibly imaginative science fiction pieces!

They started by thinking how they might feel if they had invented a new creature. Some children were filled with pride, others intrigued as to how the creature might behave.

Then, they thought about how they would feel if they were the creature. Some children said that they felt perplexed, others elated.

Some had much more frightening thoughts! 

"I feel like I am thirsty for blood!" Ramone, Willow class.

This is a freeze frame of their thoughts:

After, the children had the opportunity to think of their own science fiction stories. 

Using their reciprocity skills, they discussed in detail how their stories would unfold.

Debating how best to end their tale.

Outstanding discussion work Willow class!

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