Friday, 15 November 2024

Remembrance Day in Year 4

This week, in honour of Remembrance Day, Year 4 pupils took part in a special assembly and produced 3D doves of peace.

We were very fortunate to be joined for assembly by a veteran who helped to explain the importance of poppies and remembering the fallen. 

Following the assembly the children made 3D doves as a symbol of peace. They followed an instructional text to complete each intricate step and we are lucky to still have some of these creations on display at school. 

"It is lovely to know that all these years later we still remember them." Eishan, Maple 

It was such a pleasure to watch the children complete these activies in a mature manner. They were respectful at all times and understood the importance of being reflective on these important occasions. 

"The Dove is a symbol of peace, but I loved hearing about how the poppy is for the soldiers and the cornflower is for animals." - Dani, Willow

" Peace to me, is sitting down and in quiet and thinking about what makes me happy!" - Nathaniel, Elm

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