What a fantastic start Year 3 have had to the new academic year!
All of the children have been amazing and the year 3 team are proud of every single one of them.
It has been a tricky task to give out our certificates with so many of the children completing their tasks to a high standard and doing their three jobs, however we have got our week 1 super stars.
E for Excellence:
Chisom, Liam and Alex.
Star writers:
Camila, Megan and Eivis.
Teacher Happy:
Kenzie, Larissa and Annabel.
4 R's:
Lewis, Lucas, Rosie and Max.
Certificate of presentation:
Elise and Pranav.
Ali, Megan, Oliver, Manreet, Areya, Annabel, Louisa and Karimah.
Have a restful weekend and we look forward to welcoming the children back on Monday for their second week of learning.
Well done everyone!! :)