Friday 15 September 2023

Curriculum overview Year 4


Headteacher: Mrs L Nicholls


Year 4 - Autumn Curriculum Newsletter

Welcome back to school! Hopefully, you find this letter informative; please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.


Our expectation at Broadford is that every child should do the following every night:

-15 minutes reading to themselves or an adult (signed in the reading record)

-15 minutes practising spellings in their spelling book

-15 minutes rehearsing times tables facts (including multiplication and division)

Mathletics and TT Rockstars:

All children have received their mathletics and TT Rockstars information. These are online platforms that the children can use to further consolidate learning. This is monitored by the class teacher and children will be rewarded for the use of these websites at home. This is a great, visual way for your child to complete their times tables 15 minute homework! 


Spellings will be given out on a Monday. The children should practise the words they are given every evening. Spelling books must be brought in on Fridays, which is also when the weekly test happens. This will be closely monitored.

P.E Lessons

Elm, Maple and Willow will have PE on a Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure that your child is in possession of a full, named PE kit for their lesson. Children are to wear their P.E. kit into school. 

Elm’s PE lesson will be swimming for the Autumn term, Willow will be in Spring term 2024 and Maple in Summer 2024.

Reading Books and 105 books to read

The children have all been given reading books and have been told their reading day. The children should be reading at home for 15 minutes every day, this will be monitored by their teachers. The children are strongly encouraged to read books from the 105 books to read at Broadford list. The children all have trackers for these books which the teacher will check off for them. 

 Curriculum Information

We have included a summary of the topics which the children will be covering this term. If you would like to make any suggestions about what you would like your child to learn or you would like any guidance about how you can help your child at home, please speak to your child’s class teacher, as we welcome any suggestions you may have.

Thank you for your continued support, we look forward to the year ahead and are sure it will be full of fabulous learning experiences!

To contact us, please send an email to:

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Whiten

Year 4 Lead            

Miss Khodadad Miss Hannan      Miss Bambgoye/Mrs Cocks         

Maple Class  Willow Class       Elm Class Teachers     

Autumn Term


1st Half Term

2nd Half Term


Fiction: Bogeyman and the Trolls

Fiction: How to train a dragon

Non-Fiction: Information Texts

Please fill in the reading journal after hearing your child read. For a good selection of children’s books, visit your local library. Useful web links:


Place Value


Addition and subtraction


Please practise the times tables with your child. The school is continuing to focus on mental arithmetic this year and it would be of great help if your children could learn them. We will also be having the Times tables checks in the spring/summer term. Useful websites:


Coding, internet safety


Animals and humans



Ancient Egyptians- conquests, burials and beliefs

Settlements - local area


Aut 1: Mamma Mia


Aut 2: Glockenspiel Stage 2 - Learning basic instrumental skills by playing tunes in varying styles


Hinduism- How & why do believers show their commitments during life?

How do people of different faiths show their commitment and 

belonging to their faith?

What matters most to Humanists and Christians?


Healthy relationships

Listening to feelings


Assertive skills

Recognising and

celebrating difference

(including religions and

cultural difference)

Understanding and

challenging stereotypes


Personal fitness, team building, yoga and invasion games, swimming



Design and Technology

Art and Display 

Creating a dynamic figure using clay


Days of the week and months of the year, parts of the body and counting to 31.

Trips, experiences and dates you need to know.

Year 4 Stay and Learn afternoon - 3rd October 2023

Elm - 2 pm

Maple - 2  pm

Willow - 2  pm

Hindu temple- tbc

Cineworld Ilford-Epic tails-15th November 10 am

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