Friday 8 February 2019

Reading In Year 4

During guided reading, year 4's have been reading the novel 'There's a boy in the girls bathroom' by Louis Sachar. They are becoming very passionate about the life and character of one Bradley Chalkers, a fifth-grade bully with...let's say a very interesting view of the world, school and friendships. But after making a friend and talking with the school counsellor, Carla, something starts to change within Bradley, as he tries to see the good in himself.

“A heartwarming story of isolation, bravery and acceptance”

Students are now familiar with the 7 reading skills as they discuss and answer a range of questions about characters, authorial intent, vocabulary and the key themes of the novel.

Just a reminder to parents to ensure your child is reading every single night, and that you fill in their reading record, as we have noticed a slight drop this half term.

Happy reading and make sure to ask your child about our current class novel!

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