Thursday 8 October 2020

Zones of Regulation in Year 4

Since the beginning of term, Year 4 have been learning about the 'Zones of Regulation' to help them independently recognise and regulate their own emotions.

We have done lots of work across the year group on what the different zones mean and the tools we can use to get into a zone that is better for learning.

The 4 zones are as follows:

We have discussed that everyone can be in any of these zones in one day and that there is no 'bad' zone to be in, but that the Green Zone is the best zone for learning.

We wanted to share this with parents, so that you can use the same language to support your children with self-regulation at home. The children already have a few of their own strategies to help them get into the Green Zone in their 'toolkit' and there are a few more here that might help at home.

We have been so impressed with how the children have started in Year 4; they are becoming independent, resilient learners and we could not be prouder of them!

Today, all children have been sent home with their pupil passports, which outlines what they need to achieve by the end of Year 4 and they have all been allocated a slot for parents' evening (before or after 5pm). This will be a telephone consultation on 20/10/20.

We can't wait to speak to you all about how well the children have settled into Year 4!

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